H.E. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor, Director General of the Arab ICT Organization, welcomed on Friday, May 12, 2023, at AICTO’s new headquarters located in the suburb of Marsa,  H.E. Dr. Hilal bin Abdullah bin Ali Al-Sinani, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of Tunisia.

His Excellency the Ambassador conveyed the greetings of H. Exc. Eng. Said bin Hamood bin Said AlMawali the Omani Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology to H. Exc. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor.

He affirmed the Sultanate’s continued support to AICTO and emphasized AICTO’s efforts and its important role in developing the ICT sector in the Arab region and achieving integration and cooperation among Arab countries.

From his side, Eng. Mohamed ben Amor expressed his sincere thanks for the continued support that the Sultanate of Oman provides to the organization and all its programs and activities, praising the Sultanate’s efforts in the technological field as one of the leading Arab countries in the digital transformation, where the government attaches great importance to the Digital Economy Transition by providing strong telecommunications and internet infrastructure throughout the country.

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