Regional projects and programs

Since its first operational year, AICTO has launched projects in response to the needs of the Arab citizens, trying to enable them benefit from the Information Society advantages, namely the services resulting from innovation, technological transformation, and e-inclusion. This has been done in coordination with all relevant parties either on the regional level by consolidating the Arab common action, or on the international level through its global partners amongst the major international and regional organizations playing a major role in ICT.

Current projects & programs

AAECA-Net is an Interregional Multistakeholder Network for e-trust in the Arab & African regions having the specificity to be open internationally to all interested stakeholders.


  • Unifying and Harmonizing the interregional laws related to e-transactions and e-trust services based on international experiences
  • Working on the interoperability and the mutual recognition between the Arab and African e-certification authorities, as a first step, and between the countries of the two regions with the rest of the word in a further step
  • Establishing Interregional (Multilateral) conventions ensuring the Interoperability & the mutual recognition of the e-trust services between the countries of the two regions and with other foreign countries.

Within the scope of this project we have launched a permanent/yearly forum called: “Interregional Smart Agriculture Forum” (ISAF©). Amongst the goals of this initiative:

  • Appraising the “Smart Agriculture” role in bridging the digital divide within the two regions
  • Empowering Arab farmers and workers through ICT use, to improve their practices
  • Promoting joint “Arab action” towards building a common strategy to achieve “regional food security” including ICT as a key factor for sustainable agricultural development
  • Boosting the interregional and international cooperation in the field of Smart farming in an endeavor to coordinate efforts and come up with sustainable solutions for the future of the agricultural sector

The center of Excellence “China-Arab BDS/GNSS Center-AICTO” was established within the scope of the bilateral relationship between the League of Arab States and the People’s Republic of China and the cooperation agreement between the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization (AICTO) and the China Satellite Navigation Office (CSNO). It was inaugurated on the 10th of April 2018.

  • The “China-Arab BDS/GNSS Center-AICTO” role is to provide an open platform for Arab users to acquire deeper understanding about BeiDou/GNSS technology through a set of activities such as : training, exhibition, testing & assessment, joint researches etc… and to boost and strengthen the Arab-Chinese cooperation in the field of Satellite Navigation and the related services and applications.
  • The excellence center “China-Arab BDS/GNSS Center-AICTO” is an important facility because it represents a window for comprehensive exhibition and an open platform for cooperation in the Navigation Satellite field between China and Arab States and African countries.

Under the framework of its program on « Financial Inclusion », AICTO is hosting the “Digital Fiat Currency Lab” for the Arab Region in partnership with the DFC Institute with the active participation of Stanford Advanced Financial Technologies Lab.

The Lab will propose among others capacity building actions, technical assistance missions, trial projects implementation, showcases and live demonstrations…

Projects & Programs 2025 - 2026

Within the framework of its Strategic Vision 2030, “Building a Smart, Secure, and Sustainable Arab Digital Future,” AICTO has defined its 2025-2026 programs around three key pillars: