HE/ Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor_ Director General of the Arab ICT Organization took part on 9th of December 2020, as keynote SPEAKER, in Huawei Summit entitled “Igniting Innovation Through Education summit”, held virtually in parallel with GITEX Technology Week 2020.
This summit recognizes the role of education as a catalyst for change, bringing people closer and making society more sustainable and prosperous. With ICT solutions now widely recognized as building blocks of intelligent society, supporting innovation and imagination through education is also increasingly important to the national development agendas of nations across the Middle East.
During this summit, HE/ Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor_ Director General of the Arab ICT Organization highlighted the important role of Digital Innovation in the Arab region with a special focus on EDUCATION IN THE COVID-19 ERA and the key role played by the technology at this level.
He claimed the necessity of reshaping the educational systems basing on 3 main pillars: Education – Technology and Innovation to fit with the next normal requirements and challenges.
He also emphasized the willingness of AICTO to support and contribute to this transformation through its project : “Connecting Schools for a Better Future”, in this respect he stressed the key role of Regional & International cooperation in building and strengthening common Innovation systems and models for the Education of tomorrow.