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Signature of an MoU between AICTO & ARCO
14/10/2020 - Through Video Conference

The Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization on Wednesday 14th of October 2020.

This agreement was signed during a remote ceremony via video conference by the Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization, HE. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor, and the Secretary-General of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization, HE. Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al-Tuwaijri.

This agreement aims to strengthen joint Arab action and extend bridges of cooperation between the two organizations in order to achieve common goals in the field of humanitarian work and disaster reduction and management and to appraise the key role of Information and Communication Technologies at this end, also to provide technical support to the Arab Center for Disaster Preparedness.

HE. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor explained during the signing ceremony that AICTO has a strong belief that, accurate information and reliable channels for its delivery and dissemination are among the most important factors of coping and dealing with crises or disasters, whether natural or man-made.
AICTO is committed through this agreement to unify efforts with the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross organization, each from the field of his specialization in order to provide the required assistance to the Arab citizen to deal with the next normal situation by using the facilities and tools provided by the ICTs.

The State of Qatar deposits the instrument of accession to the agreement establishing the Arab Information and Communication Technologies Organization

HE. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor_ Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization, expressed the honor that the Organization has acquired by the accession of the state of Qatar, as this accession will constitute great support for the organization and a new incentive for it, given that the State of Qatar has succeeded in employing digital transformations and is considered a pioneering country in The Arab region in the field of information and communication technologies.

The State of Qatar has deposited its instrument of accession to the agreement establishing the Arab Communication and Information Technology Organization on Monday the 12th of October 2020 at the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

The document was deposited at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the LAS by the Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the League of Arab States HE. Ambassador Ibrahim bin Abdulaziz Al Sahlawi, in the presence of the Director of the Treaties and International Law Department at the Arab League States Ambassador Ehab Makram.

On this occasion, the Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization extends his sincere thanks and appreciation to the State of Qatar for joining the organization in order to contribute to the achievement of the goals for which it was established and to promote joint Arab action. He also extends his thanks to both the minister of Transport and communications _HE. Mr. Jassim Saif Ahmed Al-Sulaiti and the President of the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of the State of Qatar _ HE. Mr. Mohammed Ali Al-Mannai for their valuable efforts to achieve this accession.

Webinar : “Universal Acceptance (UA) of Domain names and Email Addresses Internationalization”

The Arab ICT Organization, in cooperation with ICANN, has organized on Tuesday, 15 September 2020, the first workshop on universal acceptance of domain names and the internationalization of e-mail addresses using the Arabic language.

The organization of this workshop falls within the framework of the beginning of a cooperation program between both parties that will include many awareness actions, and trainings for the favor of experts in the Arab region, with a view to achieving universal acceptance of Arabic domain names and Arabic email addresses by all applications, systems, and platforms.

This will enable to contribute to the process of developing digital Arabic content and to develop an active Arab regional common market, in which AICTO is working on, and so for the development of Arabic digital content that is an essential element for the Arab presence in the global digital space and for defense and preservation of the Arab identity and privacy, as well as for building economic and social development.

AICTO Magazine "SMART" | 01 - 2020

AICTO is pleased to launch the first edition of its Magazine “SMART” entitled “Digital Trust : Regional & International Experiences” 

2020 GCCD Cybersecurity Online Seminar

As Operations Committee member (OC) of CAMP alliance (Cybersecurity Alliance for Mutual Progress), the Arab ICT Organization “AICTO” is pleased to invite interested professionals to take part to the Global Cyber Security Center for Development 2020 (GCCD) Cybersecurity seminar. The event will be held online from September 14th to September 25th in line with the “go – digital” and the “non-contact” trends due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Registration is open now on : www.camp-gccd2020.com

The Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization meets with the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman in Tunisia

HE. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor, Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization, received on Friday, July 17, 2020, at the AICTO’s headquarters, HE. Mr. Yahya bin Moosa Al-Bakri, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of Tunisia.

This meeting was an occasion for both sides to discuss the ways to enhance joint cooperation between the organization and the Sultanate of Oman.

From his side, HE/Eng. Ben Amor, emphasized on the valuable and continuous support of the Sultanate of Oman to the organization as being amongst the first countries to join AICTO as a Member State.

For his part, the Omani ambassador praised the leading role played by the Arab ICT Organization in the development of the ICT sector in the Arab region.

17th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Arab ICT Organization.

The 17th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Arab ICT Organization was held on Wednesday, 15 July 2020, via video conference.

The work of this session started with the election of HE. Mr. Mohamed Fadhel Kraiem _ Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Transformation of the Republic of Tunisia as President of the General Assembly and HE. Dr. Ishaq Sidr – Minister of Communications and Information Technology of the State of Palestine, Vice-President of the General Assembly.

This meeting witnessed the participation of the following Arab member states: the Republic of Tunisia, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Republic of Sudan, the Republic of Iraq, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Palestine, the State of Libya, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, and the Republic of Yemen in addition to a representative of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

During this meeting, the minutes of the 23rd ordinary session of the executive council held one day before, was approved after the presentation made by HE. Mr. Amir Al Bayati _ Chairman of the Executive Council as well as the action plan and budget for the years 2021-2022 following the presentation provided by HE. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor_Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization.

All participants from GA members praised the organization’s efforts and its future programs to achieve its strategic vision: “Towards a Unified Arab digital society based on creativity and innovation, boosting the Arab-Interregional complementarity and contributing efficiently to the development of the global sustainable digital economy”.

Furthermore, the representative of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States Dr. Ola AL-Badri noticed the important and effective role being played by AICTO to confront the Corona pandemic, she also congratulated its valuable participation in the (49) ordinary session of the High Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action chaired by His Excellency Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.

23rd ordinary session of the Executive Council of the Arab ICT Organization

The Arab ICT Organization held the 23rd ordinary session of its Executive Council on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, via video conference.

The Executive Council was chaired by His Excellency Mr. Amir Al-Bayati _ Senior Technical Undersecretary at the Ministry of Communications in the Republic of Iraq and witnessed the participation of the following Arab member states: The People’s Democratic of Algeria, the Republic of Iraq, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Palestine, the State of Libya and the Arab Republic of Egypt in addition to a representative of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

The focus on this meeting’s session was given to the AICTO’s action plan and budget for the years 2021-2022.