The Arab ICT Organization participated in the 56th ordinary session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action.

The Arab ICT Organization, headed by its Director General, His Excellency Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor participated in the meetings of the 56th ordinary session of the Higher Coordinating Committee for Joint Arab Action. This session, presided over by His Excellency the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, convened from April [...]

National workshop for the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation and Modernization of Administration

As part of its technical initiatives aimed at enhancing the capacities of Arab nations, the Arab ICT Organization conducted a national workshop in Nouakchott, Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The workshop served as a platform to present the outputs and recommendations from the study commissioned for the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Aand Modernization of [...]

Arab ICT Ministers’ Council approves the Arab Cybersecurity Strategy elaborated by “AICTO”

The Arab ICT Ministers’ Council, during its twenty-seventh session, held on January 18, 2024  in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, approved the Arab Cybersecurity Strategy elaborated by the Arab ICT Organization – AICTO. The elaboration of a Regional Cybersecurity was a recommendation of the fourth session of the Arab Economic and Social Development Summit held [...]

AICTO took part in the (54) regular session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action and presented a paper on the Arab Strategy of Cybersecurity

The Arab ICT Organization participated in the meetings of the 54th session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action, chaired by His Excellency the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Ahmed Abu EL-Gheit, hosted by the Arab Federation for Digital Economy in Abu Dhabi from January 24-26, 2022. 35 specialized [...]

Regional Digital Trust Days, 29-30 Nov & 01 Dec 2022

Within the framework of its endeavors to enhance joint Arab action and inter-regional and global cooperation in the field of safety and security of technological transformations at the strategic, technical and organizational levels, the Arab ICT Organization organized the “Regional Digital Trust Days” under the theme: “Cooperation for enhancing the climate of trust and Security [...]
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