The Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization meets with the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman in Tunisia

The Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization meets with the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman in Tunisia HE. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor, Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization, received on Friday, July 17, 2020, at the AICTO’s headquarters, HE. Mr. Yahya bin Moosa Al-Bakri, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of [...]

Participation of HE. DG of AICTO in the (49) Ordinary session of the High Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action chaired by HE. SG of the LAS

Participation of His Excellency Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization in the (49) Ordinary session of the High Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action chaired by His Excellency Secretary-General of the League of Arab States HE. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor_ Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization took part in the (49) ordinary session of the [...]
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