The Interregional Summit on “Transition to IPv6” – Tunis, 09 May 2022

About the SummitPhotosVideosWhite PaperAbout the Summit "Transition to IPv6" InterRegional Summit Challenges and Opportunities, Tunis, 09 May 2022 The Arab ICT Organization has organized, in partnership with the African Telecommunication Union and under the high patronage of the Ministry of Communication Technologies of the Republic of Tunisia, the first edition of the high-level interregional Summit [...]

ICT Exhibition, “COMEX 2022”, May 23-25, 2022 – Sultanate of Oman

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology in the Sultanate of Oman is organizing, within the framework of declaring Muscat the Arab Digital Capital for the year 2022 (decision of the Council of Arab ICT Ministers in its Regular session 25) the 31st edition of the Information and Communication Technology Exhibition COMEX 2022, during [...]

The Director General of the Arab ICT Organization takes part in the works of the AFSD-2022 (UN House-Beirut, March 15-17, 2022)

HE. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor, Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization took part in the works of the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development 2022, under the theme "Recovery and Resilience", organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in cooperation with the League of Arab States and United Nations Entities [...]

The Arab ICT Organization takes part in the works of the Arab Sustainable Development Week (Cairo, February 13-15, 2022)

The Arab ICT Organization, headed by its Director-General, HE. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor participated in the working session for joint Arab Action organizations and institutions under the title "The Role of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 2030", which was held on February 14, 2022, within the framework of the Arab [...]

Arab ICT Ministers Council supports the candidacy of Dr. Bilel Jamoussi for the position of Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Office at ITU

Arab ICT Ministers decided, during the 23rd  session of their council meeting, which was held in Riyadh, to approve the proposal of Dr. Bilel Jamoussi, as the candidate of the Arab Group to fill the position of Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau- TSB at the International Telecommunication Union. Arab ICT Ministers called to mobilize [...]

The Arab ICT Organization takes part in the 52nd Ordinary Session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action

The Arab ICT Organization, headed by its Director-General, HE. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor participated in the meetings of the 52nd regular session of the Higher Coordination Committee for Joint Arab Action chaired by H.E the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Ahmed Abu El Gheit, during the period from 24 to 26 January [...]

The Arab ICT Organization organizes the international Forum “Digital Inclusion for All, 2 December 2021- Republic of Tunisia

The Arab ICT Organization "AICTO" organized the international Forum “Digital Inclusion for All (Reality – Challenges – Opportunities)” on the 2nd of December 2021, at “Le Pavillon Gammarth” in Tunis, Republic of Tunisia. This conference comes under the framework of the implementation of its regional project "Developing Digital Access in the Arab Region" and its [...]