Regional Digital Trust Days, 29-30 Nov & 01 Dec 2022

Within the framework of its endeavors to enhance joint Arab action and inter-regional and global cooperation in the field of safety and security of technological transformations at the strategic, technical and organizational levels, the Arab ICT Organization organized the “Regional Digital Trust Days” under the theme: “Cooperation for enhancing the climate of trust and Security [...]

1st Africa 5G Summit, Bangkok, 24 October 2022

AICTO and Huawei organized the 1st Africa 5G Summit, Bangkok, October 24th, 2022 The Arab ICT Organization “AICTO” organized in collaboration with Huawei, the 1st Africa 5G Summit held in Bangkok – Thailand on the 24th of October 2022. This Summit aims to build a communication platform between Africa and the world's 5G leading markets. [...]

International Forum “Collaboration to Unleash Innovation for Sustainable Digital Future”, Dubai 11 October 2022

The Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) co-organized with Huawei the interregional forum entitled “Collaboration to Unleash Innovation for Sustainable Digital Future” which was held on the 11th of October 2022 at Dubai World Trade Center in UAE in parallel with “GITEX”. This important forum witnessed high-level participation and attendance of government leaders from different sectors in [...]

Signature of an MoU Between AICTO and ASIA PKI Consortium

Within the framework of its will and commitment to promoting interregional cooperation on PKI and digital trust activities, the Arab ICT Organization "AICTO" signed an MoU with ASIA PKI Consortium on August 25th, 2022, at AICTO Headquarters. This agreement aims to foster harmonized PKI practices to support the development of digital transactions and e-commerce within [...]

The Tunisian Ministry of Communication Technologies launched the First National Digital Identity

Within the framework of its willingness to support and assist Arab countries in introducing and promoting the most important Arab initiatives in the field of digital transition, which is one of the most important priorities as a fundamental pillar for achieving economic and social development, the Arab ICT Organization has the pleasure to announce the [...]

Meeting between the Director-General of the Arab ICT Organization and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco

H.E. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor, Director General of the Arab ICT Organization met with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Hassan Tariq, on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at the headquarters of the Embassy. This meeting focused on the aspects of developing cooperation between AICTO and the Kingdom of Morocco and their future prospects. [...]

First Arab Annual Forum on “Developing Arab postal capabilities in the field of e-commerce and e-payment”, June 7, 2022- Algeria

The Arab ICT Organization organized the first edition of the First Arab Annual Forum on "Developing Arab postal capabilities in the field of e-commerce and e-payment" on June 07, 2022, in Algeria in cooperation with the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab ICT Ministers, and under the high patronage of the Ministry of Post [...]