H.E. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor, Director General of the Arab ICT Organization, welcomed on Friday, March 17, 2023, at AICTO’s new headquarters located in the suburb of Marsa, H.E Mr. Hayel Al-Fahoum, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Republic of Tunisia.

During this meeting, His Excellency the Ambassador extended his sincere congratulations to H.E the Director General on the occasion of extending his presidency of AICTO for a third mandate, praising his steady efforts at the head of the organization and also on the occasion of relocating to the new headquarters.

From his side, H.E.Eng. Mohamed ben Amor praised the support of the State of Palestine to the organization and all its activities, and reiterate his congratulations to His Excellency the Ambassador on the occasion of choosing the city of “Al-Qods” as the Arab Digital Capital for the year 2023, stressing the willingness of AICTO to further support the State of Palestine and contribute in keeping pace with fast technological developments.

This meeting also presented an opportunity to provide an overview of AICTO’s activities for the coming period, as well as to discuss ways to further strengthen cooperation between the State of Palestine and AICTO.

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