His Excellency the Minister of Communications, Hiyam Al-Yasiri, received on Wednesday, 23 August 2023, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Communications in the Republic of Iraq, the delegation of the Arab ICT Organization, chaired by H. E. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor _ the Director General.

This meeting focused on ways to enhance cooperation between the Iraqi Ministry of Communications and AICTO, and the importance of enhancing cooperation and joint coordination to implement programs related to AICTO’s activities. In addition to Bestowing upon the Republic of Iraq a heightened and significantly expanded role in the activities and programs of the organization and at various levels.

In this context, both parties agreed to undertake the preparation of a collaborative joint working paper regarding the coordination of joint programs and projects.

During this meeting, His Excellency the Director General of the Arab ICT Organization highlighted the pioneering role of the Republic of Iraq to AICTO and its efforts to further develop its future projects and activities.

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