AICTO and Huawei IPv6 enhanced based digital transformation
MoU Signing Ceremony
MWC 2023 Shanghai / 29 June

AICTO and Huawei promote IPv6 development in the Arab region

Delivering key capabilities for future digital transformation

AICTO and Huawei last week signed a memorandum of understanding on joint innovation in IPv6/IPv6 Enhanced at MWC Shanghai 2023. This collaboration aims to accelerate the deployment of IPv6 in the Arab region through various initiatives such as the IPv6 Industry Summit, talent cultivation, technology application innovation competition, and the operation of the Arab IPv6 Council.

The signing ceremony was attended by H.E. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor, Director General of AICTO, and Ryan Qiu, Vice President of Huawei Data Communication Product Line. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is considered the next-generation Internet upgrade and evolution. Its development will drive digital transformation across multiple fields and serve as a new avenue for global digital technology innovation. The Arab region has witnessed significant progress in IPv6 deployment, offering ample opportunities for innovation and application.

AICTO, as a cross-regional government ICT organization of the League of Arab States (LAS), plays a crucial role in strategic planning, cooperation, talent cultivation, and policy coordination among Arab countries in the ICT field.

To promote regional digitalization and expedite IPv6 deployment in the Arab region, AICTO and Huawei have collaborated over the past few years, resulting in fruitful outcomes. They have organized several Arab-Africa Regional IPv6 Industry Summits, released the “Arab-Africa IPv6 Development White Paper 2023,” and facilitated the establishment of the Arab IPv6 Council. In May 2023, AICTO and Huawei engaged in high-level discussions on IPv6 joint innovation and talent cultivation during the SAMENA Leaders’ Summit 2023.

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