H.E. Eng. Mohamed ben Amor_ Director General of the Arab ICT Organization participated as a speaker in SAMENA Telecommunications Council’s Leaders Summit for the year 2023 under the theme “Sustainable Connectivity and Emerging Ecosystems in Digital Economy”, which was held in Dubai – the city of the United Arab Emirates, on May 15, 2023.
H.E. Eng. Mohamed Ben Amor stressed in his speech during the round table entitled “Enhancing Digital Trust for a Sustainable, Connected, Intelligent World”, the necessity of enabling users to use digital technologies with confidence and safety, and improving their awareness about digital security risks and how to avoid them, referring to AICTO’s initiative “the Arab Cybersecurity Strategy” launched in 2022 in order to boost cooperation between Arab countries to enable the implementation of risk-based cybersecurity measures for multiple stakeholders to protect regional cyberspace. The cross-border partnership focused on in this strategy is based on a common vision that sets directions in achieving cybersecurity goals and finding a unified path to maintain a secure and resilient digital infrastructure within Arab cyberspace.